LAB performance

Reveal your strengths and weaknesses

Uperform Lab: Discover your physical potential to reach new heights

Uperform is a center specializing in physical preparation and re-athletics, equipped with a set of state-of-the-art equipment for physical skills testing. The laboratory uses the latest technologies such as isokinetic test, optojump system, speed cell and many others. The goal is to provide an accurate assessment of athletes' physical abilities, including their strengths and weaknesses, in order to personalize their preparation and rehabilitation program.


Our isokinetic testing machines allow an accurate assessment of the maximum muscle strength of essential groups such as the quadriceps, hamstrings, shoulder rotators, etc. The results of these tests allow the identification of normal or disturbed profiles, as well as agonist-antagonist imbalances. This guides rehabilitation and improves performance, in addition to being one of the criteria for returning to the field after an injury.

Thanks to the tests carried out at the start of the season, we can identify the players whose risk of injury is increased, thus offering them a preventive remediation program. In this way, we help prevent hamstring tears in football players and the rupture of the anterior cruciate ligaments of the knee.

Our isokinetic test laboratory is the essential tool for optimal sports performance and targeted rehabilitation.

The Optojump

System for measuring the take-off time and ground contact time during the execution of a series of jumps, and therefore the height of the jump with an accuracy of 1/1000 of a second.
From these fundamental basic data, the dedicated program makes it possible to obtain with great precision, and in real time, a whole series of parameters related to the athlete's performance.

Optojump permet:

- d'évaluer les performances et la condition physique d'un athlète
- d'identifier rapidement d'éventuelles carences musculaires et de mesurer la capacité à supporter différentes charges de travail
- de développer un entraînement personnalisé et diversifié en fonction des résultats des tests
- de créer une base de données d'athlètes pour les comparer entre eux ou encore pour comparer les résultats d'un même athlète au cours de différentes périodes, pour vérifier objectivement les résultats de la préparation
- d'examiner la condition physique d’un athlète suite à une blessure, de développer des actions de réadaptation spécifiques et de vérifier leur évolution
- de motiver les athlètes en leur apportant une preuve tangible des progrès réalisés, en stimulant ainsi une concurrence saine au sein du groupe.

Speed ​​cells

Uperform has a training timing system suitable for all sports where it is necessary to assess athletic performance through sprint, speed, resistance, reactivity, shuttle tests, etc.
The system can be extended by adding in time other cells (single or double) for intermediate times.
Ideal for speed measurements in sprint, acceleration, weighted sprint for explosiveness but also for recording the times performed on functional tests such as the T-Test, Illinois test or even the 5-0-5 agility test.

Force/speed profile

The force-speed profile makes it possible to evaluate the muscular capacities of the athlete. We know that each sport requires a specific profile in order to perform at its best.
Finding the right balance between strength and speed is a daily challenge but necessary for the improvement and individualization of the performance of each athlete.
Power is considered a critical aspect of many individual and team sports, which is why precisely evaluating the neuro-muscular physical qualities of the athlete must be a priority.

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