
Uperform takes care of your baby

Pediatric physiotherapy

Pediatric physical therapy is a specialty of physical therapy that focuses on the treatment of children, infants and adolescents. Pediatric physical therapists are trained to work with children with different medical conditions, such as developmental disabilities, neuromuscular diseases, head injuries, and chronic illnesses. They use rehabilitation techniques to help children improve muscle strength, flexibility, endurance and coordination

Respiratory physiotherapy for babies

Respiratory physiotherapy is a technique based on the realization of external techniques (pressure on the thorax, vibration, etc.) by the physiotherapist in order to improve breathing. It can increase the elimination of secretions present in excess in the respiratory tract (in the event of chronic bronchitis or bronchiolitis for example). Respiratory physiotherapy can be performed is performed in children but also in adults.

Pediatric osteopathy

Pediatric osteopathy is a specialty of osteopathy that focuses on the treatment of children, infants and adolescents. Pediatric osteopaths use gentle manual techniques to identify and treat mechanical dysfunctions of the musculoskeletal system, as well as disturbances in blood and lymph circulation, which can contribute to health problems. They work with children with different medical conditions, such as developmental disorders, digestive disorders, respiratory disorders, neurological disorders and functional disorders related to birth.

Available Centers


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L’équilibre entre cardio et musculation : la clé d’un entraînement complet
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Vivre en bonne santé

La santé mentale et physique : Trouver votre équilibre à travers le sport
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