Samples - blood test

LBS laboratory

LBS, a privileged partner of Uperform

With more than 30 years of experience in the Brussels region, the LBS laboratory is a privileged partner of Uperform in the context of bioclinical diagnosis and therapeutic monitoring.

The LBS laboratory welcomes more than 250 patients every day in its main collection centers and performs more than 20,000 biomedical tests daily.
The LBS laboratory wins the trust of more and more doctors and patients.

Clinical biology

LBS's mission is to actively contribute to improving diagnosis and patient follow-up. The laboratory with its team of expert clinical biologists, invests each time in order to have a unique technical platform with competent collaborators and continuous training.

LBS offers in this context a wide range of more than 1500 different tests ranging from routine examinations to specialized tests in the following areas:

Collection without appointment

Uperform in association with the LBS laboratories offers samples - blood tests in its Uperform MIX center.
Our nurse Olivia Bassine welcomes you every Monday between 7-9 am.

Available Centers


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